SMS Marketing as almost all of us are aware of as most of us have received marketing sms from large entities like Petronas or Maybank promoting their new deals and so on. We are giving everybody the same tool used by this big organisations. We level the field and give you an even platform to compete in view of the marketing prospect. We allow you to reach out to a large community with a very cost effective option. You can use a maximum of 150 characters for the text message option.
1) Text Message
2) MMS Messages
3) E-Vouchers
4) WAP Push messages
How does this work?
First you let us know your target market and what do you want to promote and we will work out the message to be sent and upon your approval we will then choose the right time and date to blast out your message. Since our system is a 2 way sms system you can receive responses from the people who receive your sms message. Upon completion we will generate a report of how many messages were sent and how many replies you received with the mobile numbers that replied along with their response message.